Thursday, October 27, 2011

Lost & Found: A Terryberry Recognition Ring Thought to be Lost on the Beach in Maui is Returned Home

A good deed deserves recognition! The Alpena News recently published a story about Sharon Pilarski of Alpena, Michigan who went to great lengths to return a valuable award ring that she had found on a beach in Hawaii. When others might have been tempted to keep the diamond-studded ring for profit, Sharon instead launched a personal investigation to locate the ring's owner and return it.

After noticing the Terryberry insignia engraved on the inside of the ring, Sharon contacted the company, and the customer support team went to work. Terryberry's Lou Ann from the Atlanta office and Jeannie from the Grand Rapids office teamed up with Sharon to find the owner. After an extensive search, the ring design was found and Sharon was able to return it to the grateful owner, Colin St. Pierre.

St. Pierre had received the ring as a recognition award from his employer. The Alpena News quoted St. Pierre as saying, "although it has great monetary value, the ring's sentimental value goes without measure."


Monday, October 24, 2011

Terryberry Announces New Asia Collection for Employee Recognition

Terryberry recently announced a new collection of recognition awards specifically designed to meet the cultural and logistic needs of organizations with employees located in Asian countries.

Terryberry has long supported the global employee recognition needs of companies worldwide. This new awards collection will provide additional support and cost savings for clients with employees in China, Taiwan, and other Asian countries. Check out the full news release.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Presentation Ideas for Years-of-Service Award Events

It's WOW Wednesday! HR leaders, execs, and managers: How do you WOW the people who go above and beyond for you in your business? Or, how have you been WOWed?

Today's WOW Wednesday idea comes from Terryberry in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
"To recognize the outstanding achievements of Terryberry employees in Michigan
and beyond, Terryberry hosted a dinner celebration to honor the years-of-service award recipients. Honorees included welcome aboard awards and anniversary levels 1 and 3, followed by increments of 5 years of service all the way to 50! WOW!

As your organization plans award celebrations, consider using Terryberry's helpful tools to prepare your remarks for that special occasion. An Awa
rd Presentation Cheat Sheet and tips for Employee Recognition Speeches can be found at

Remember to personalize each aspect of the event for your employees. Use this as an opportunity to showcase how ea
ch contribution connects into the company's mission, vision, and values. For example, you could prominently display special projects that people have worked on in the past year. This makes for a great conversation starter and encourages peer recognition!"

Share your own "WOW Wednesday" tip or story. Leave a comment here or post on or Twitter using hashtag #WOWWED. Make it a WOW day!

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Caring Committee Offers Recognition for Work & Life

It's WOW Wednesday! HR leaders, execs, and managers: How do you WOW the people who go above and beyond for you in your business? Or, how have you been WOWed?

Today's WOW Wednesday idea comes from Jaquilyn in Rogers, MN. She says:
"We have created a Caring Committee at work where we not only recognize those employees that deserve praise for work they have done, but this committee recognizes employees that are going through life changes (deaths in the family, divorce, new babies, etc). We send out cards and notes to them so that they know they are still being recognized through caring co-workers."

Share your own "WOW Wednesday" tip or story. Leave a comment here or post on or Twitter using hashtag #WOWWED. Make it a WOW day!

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